Taking Women’s World Property Seriously

World Property

Taking Women’s World Property Seriously

Women’s Rights International is a women owned and operated organization that has been promoting women’s rights worldwide for more than 35 years. It is an international grassroots organization that advocates for the full economic, social and political empowerment of women. The organization’s goal is to empower women through education, social work and political activity. Although women constitute nearly half of the global population and almost one-half of the entire labor force, they still receive only one-tenth of the world’s income and possess less than ten percent of world property. They also bear the greatest proportion of employment-related violence against women.

Because women’s property is so severely lacking around the world, it is imperative that the legal system provide women equal rights in property ownership. Without such legal protections women’s rights are hindered dramatically. It is particularly significant that women face severe abuse and neglect at the hands of men. This situation must be eradicated through effective legal action and organizing efforts by groups of concerned women.

The World Bank, for example, has a major role to play in ensuring that women are well-advised and have their full rights in property. Programs aimed at helping women financially and in other ways have proven to be extremely successful in the past. In fact, some countries have actually seen a decrease in violence against women because of the assistance offered by international organizations. In India for example, programs to help women gain access to property through inheritance and loan programs were remarkably successful. Similarly, women in the Middle East have benefited from aid packages given by the United Nations and other donor nations.

Another crucial factor in empowering women is education. Education not only provides a skill that most women can use to their advantage but it is also a key factor in creating equality in society. A high percentage of women in the developing world do not have high school diplomas and therefore are unable to get good jobs or run businesses. Women’s empowerment through education is the best way to achieve this.

Property laws should include special provisions for women in rural areas. Many women living in poverty are denied the right to own land and are instead forced to live in homes that they cannot afford. Including women in the construction of projects that involve building houses, roads and other such facilities can give them a sense of ownership over the property they are building and that they will be afforded equal rights with their male counterparts.

Another way to empower women is by making them aware of how they can claim their own share of world property and capital. There are various ways in which women can do this including putting up their own business or hiring others to do so on their behalf. It is important that all laws regarding women’s empowerment regarding property are enacted to ensure that women get their right to an equal right to property, as men do. Every woman in the world should be entitled to an opportunity to enjoy property.